The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It offers young people the chance to discover they are capable of more than they thought possible.

As the job market continues to get more competitive and more people gain degrees, employers are looking for other means of determining the strength and quality of candidates. Each year the Award is regularly stated by graduate employers as being a definitive qualification for demonstrating that an individual has the rounded set of skills and the qualities they are looking for. The percentage of young people that actually complete and gain their Award is very low which ensures it continues to be a very prestigious achievement and means that those that complete it will stand out from the crowd!

The main reason why the Award maintains such an excellent reputation is because it requires motivation, commitment and maturity from the participants. They have to take total responsibility for all aspects of their experience. We will offer advice but the participant must do the work and undertake the following tasks:
1.Find activities to undertake for the different sections.
2.Ensure they attend the activities.
3.Submit the required evidence to demonstrate they have undertaken the necessary activities.

The Award has four sections (five at Gold level) designed to provide a balanced programme of personal development. These sections are as follows:
1. Voluntary Service 2. Physical Recreation 3. Skills 4. Adventurous Journey 5. Residential Project

There are three levels of the Award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. At each level, participants must set themselves personal goals in each section. These goals should be achievable and progressive, and ultimately allow the young person to feel a sense of achievement when they complete each section. It is important that the Award Leader and Section Assessor help the young person identify and try to achieve these goals.

Participant age requirements
The Award is available to young people between the ages of 14 and 24.  All activities must be completed before the participant’s 25th birthday.

Al Diyafah High School is a licensed Independent Award Centre and is proud to offer this world leading Award to our young people. For more information about the award visit

If you want your child to participate in this award kindly contact Mrs. Usha Menon or Mr. Colin D’costa on 042671115 or email us at