Student Support Services
Student Support Services are available for all students at Al Diyafah High School. The Student Support Team is committed to helping students be emotionally balanced & academically successful. The Student Support Team consists of the Counsellor, Special Educator and Learning Support Assistants.
Learning Support
We recognize that each child can learn, but may learn in different ways and at different rates.
The ADHS Learning Support Programme is committed to supporting the individual educational needs of all students. Students experiencing difficulties in accessing the curriculum and learning are referred by teachers to the Student Services Team. The counsellor, special educator, teachers & parents together draw up an individual education plan for each student based upon their observations & results of the psycho-educational assessment administered by external professionals. This team ensures that students receive the intervention and accommodations that they need. Student’s participation and performance in weekly and term exams act as indicators of progress. Student progress is also tracked based on their achievement of the ‘I CAN’ targets. The individual educational plan is then reviewed to set new goals.
Based on the learning needs of the referred student, in-class and one to one intervention sessions are provided by the counsellor, special educator & LSA. The LSAs work with an individual student or small group of students to provide intervention strategies to be implemented within the classroom. Shadow teacher facility is also permitted.
Gifted & Talented
We also meet the unique educational needs of students through our gifted and talented services. We recognize that learners thrive best in an environment that challenges and nurtures individual strength. Some learners have academic skills, cognitive abilities, leadership abilities and creative talents that differ in degree and dimension from their peers; The CAT4 online assessment is administered to identify the gifted students. We challenge our gifted & talented students through our acceleration & enrichment programme. This includes subject acceleration & opportunities to lead the literacy, sports, music etc. clubs in school. The identified students represent the school in various events & competitions such as ADPIQ, Dubai Scholars Cup, write for the school newsletter, concert scripts and more. Students are also encouraged to sign up for the Massive Open Online Courses and take additional IGCSE subjects.
Counselling Career Guidance
In addition to providing individual counselling sessions for social & emotional needs the school counsellor assists students with course selection and college applications. The school organizes regular Career Guidance Interface and Career Fairs. While the Campus Career Fair is attended by students in Years 9 and above, the Career Guidance Interface (CGI) is aimed to equip the year 11 & sixth-form students with information related to university options and help develop explicit employability skills. Parents attend the Career Fairs and Options Evening along with their child(ren) and benefit from these sessions. Students in the secondary and post-secondary phases are provided with ample internship opportunities, which give them a taster of actual work-life.
In the primary and middle school, there is a conscious effort to develop awareness to various professions. Students often engage in role-play, talks and dress-up days to widen their understanding of different professions. Enterprise related projects and competitions are inbuilt into the curriculum, allowing students to engage in business related activities.